Types of Advisors

UNC Advising is composed of full-time professional advisors, administrators, and staff, as well as faculty who spend part of their time advising in our office. We serve all students with majors in the College of Arts and Sciences, as well as students who have pre-declared their majors in pre-professional schools. Please peruse the information below to learn more about who does what in our office.
Thrive Advisors
Thrive advisors, or advisors, are full-time employees of UNC Advising. Our team members who hold advising responsibilities are assigned a caseload of undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Our advisors will support the same group of students from matriculation through graduation (unless the student is admitted into a pre-professional school and chooses not to pursue a major or minor in the College of Arts and Sciences).
Teaching Professor Advisors
Teaching Professor Advisors are faculty members in some of the largest departments on campus whose primary responsibilities are teaching and advising majors and minors within the department. The departments with Teaching Professor Advisors are Biology, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Drama, Economics, English and Comparative Literature, History, and Political Science. These Teaching Professor Advisors hold some office hours in Steele Building and other hours in the academic department. They will be able to discuss courses and opportunities (study abroad, research, etc.) within the department, but will typically not focus on general education requirements.
Departmental Advisors
Juniors and seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences may receive academic advice from their major department as well as from academic advisors in UNC Advising. The availability of departmental advisors varies with each major department. Some academic departments have a formal faculty advising system for majors. In other departments, the advising is less formal.
Departmental advisors will guide students in selecting courses within their major and can discuss career and educational opportunities in the field. Departmental representatives will ensure that students understand what to expect from the department and familiarize students with departmental procedures such as accessing a departmental advisor, receiving any necessary approval for early registration, and learning about special opportunities available to students through the department. It is important for students to meet with their departmental advisors or the Director of Undergraduate Studies early in the first semester of their junior year and thereafter as needed or required. Certain majors may require that students with junior standing meet with them before registering for the following semester. Even if students receive departmental advising, they should still meet with an advisor in UNC Advising at least once per year since it is this office that certifies that they have fulfilled all graduation requirements.
Undergraduate Professional School Advisors
Undergraduates may apply to the following professional schools:
- School of Education
- Eshelman School of Pharmacy
- Gillings School of Public Heath
- Kenan-Flagler Business School
- School of Information and Library Science
- Hussman School of Journalism and Media
- School of Nursing
- School of Medicine (Clinical Laboratory Science and Radiologic Science)
Once admitted to one of Carolina’s professional schools (which often happens in the Fall semester of junior year), juniors and seniors will be assigned an advisor in their professional school. The professional school advisor will review major requirements, discuss course options, inform students of special opportunities in their program, and clear them for graduation. After admission, students will need to see their professional school representatives for all advising needs, including dropping and adding courses, changing or adding a major and/or minor, and other administrative matters.
If a professional school student is approved for a second major or minor in the College of Arts and Sciences, the student receives academic advising for their second major or minor by UNC Advising. The professional school will clear the student for graduation.
Study Abroad Advisors
The Study Abroad Office is staffed with study abroad advisors who work closely with our academic advisors. On the Study Abroad website, there is an abundance of information that is designed to be a one-stop source for information on how to research, apply to, and prepare for the study abroad experience. The Study Abroad website provides a complete overview of all aspects of your academic studies abroad. There, you will find instructions for using the website, finding the program best suited for your educational goals, applying to that program, and making final preparations to go. There is also a section designed for families to assist with questions or concerns.
Graduate and Pre-Professional School Advisors
As part of University Career Services, the Office of Pre-Professional and Pre-Graduate Advising provides advising for students considering law school and graduate degrees in areas other than healthcare. Visit their website for more information about entrance requirements, exams, and prerequisite courses for various programs.
Health Professions Advisors
The Health Professions Advising Office supports undergraduate students and alumni who are interested in pursuing careers within the health professions. Students can take a class, attend an event, or meet with an advisor to explore a variety of paths and prepare to apply to a health professional school.