Get to know

Alma Mater
University of Massachusetts Lowell (Undergraduate), Miami University (Master’s), and University of Georgia (Doctorate)
B.S. Business Administration, M.S. in College Student Personnel and Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services
What I enjoy most about working with students:
I enjoy discovering a students’ hopes and dreams through conversation and then partnering with them to reach their personal, academic, and career goals.
My hometown:
Lowell, Massachusetts
First job out of college:
Residence Hall Director at the University of California Davis
Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:
“C” in Life Science
If I didn’t work for Advising I would:
Most likely be working towards becoming a licensed mental health counselor to promote awareness of and support the mental health challenges facing today’s college students.
Bucket list item
I really do love world travel and history. Rome and Jerusalem are next on my list of places to explore.