Jarrett Eason

Advisor, Thrive Hubs

LocationSteele Building, Room 1003


Home / Advisors / Jarrett Eason

Get to know

Alma Mater

Barton College (Undergrad) West Virginia (Graduate)


BS Physical Education; MS Physical Education

What I enjoy most about working with students:

I enjoy challenging students to become strong, opinion-based professionals and to use their talents and transferable skills to make a dent in the university.

My hometown:

Pinetops, NC

First job out of college:

Basketball internship

Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:

“F” Anatomy and Physiology I … dissecting and identifying organs in rats wasn’t my cup of tea

If I didn’t work for Advising I would:

Probably be a College Basketball Coach

Bucket list item

Watching an NBA Finals Game 7 (Front Row Center) with Barack Obama as my +1