Portrait of Kelsey Oberbroeckling

Kelsey Oberbroeckling

Advisor, Thrive Hubs

LocationHardin Residence Hall Seminar Wing, Room 172


Home / Advisors / Kelsey Oberbroeckling

Get to know

Alma Mater

Florida State University North Carolina State University


B.S. Marketing, M. Ed. Higher Education Administration

What I enjoy most about working with students:

Helping them make the most of their time in college through experiences and opportunities.

My hometown:

Tampa, Florida

First job out of college:

Program Assistant at Florida State University’s London Campus.

Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:

I truly don’t remember my grades! I remember the impactful learning experiences as an undergrad.

If I didn’t work for Advising I would:

Work in talent development at a corporation or be a travel/ food/ book blogger.

Bucket list item

Meet a sitting U.S. president or other head of state at a fancy event.