Portrait of Leslie Melton

Leslie Melton

Undergraduate Business Admissions Director/Pre-Business Admissions Advisor

LocationVirtual, Kenan-Flagler Business School: McColl 3100


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Alma Mater

UNC Wilmington (Undergrad) and UNC-Chapel Hill (Graduate)


B.S. in Business Administration, B.A. in Film Studies, and UNC Kenan-Flagler M.B.A.

What I enjoy most about working with students:

As an admissions counselor and pre-business advisor, I enjoy working with students on application strategy that will not only be beneficial in the short term, but for career success moving forward

My hometown:

Wilmington, NC (the most beautiful coast)

First job out of college:

Insurance sales

Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:

ā€œDā€ unfortunately, due to the fact that I failed to listen to my advisor on the proper sequence of business prerequisites

If I didn’t work for Advising I would:

I would find some other way to work for my home away from home, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School

Bucket list item

Travel to Bath, England and soak in the sights on an official Jane Austen tour