Portrait of Susan Maloy

Susan Maloy

Hub Director

LocationSteele Building, Room 1002


Home / Advisors / Susan Maloy

Get to know

Alma Mater

Campbell University (Undergrad and Graduate)


B.S. in Physical Education/Pre-Physical Therapy and M.Ed. in Physical Education

What I enjoy most about working with students:

Connecting with students and serving as a resource to help guide them into making informed personal decisions about their college career and beyond, and helping students explore meaningful opportunities that will aid them in outlining a path to fulfilling their educational goals and objectives

My hometown:

Warrenton, VA

First job out of college:

Graduate assistant volleyball coach that later in the same year lead to a position as the Director of Compliance and Academic Services within the department of athletics at Campbell University

Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:

ā€œDā€ in chemistry which ultimately influenced my desire to change my original educational path.  I guess a career in Pharmacy was not meant to be.  Living proof that Plan B does lead to a meaningful, fulfilling career

If I didn’t work for Advising I would:

Stay home with my children, volunteer in the community where I can be of service to others, and perhaps go back to school to become a nutritionist

Bucket list item

Take my family on a Dude Ranch vacation out west and take in some national parks along the way