Home / Nominate an Outstanding Academic Advisor

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Can you think of an advisor at Carolina who has made a special effort to help you navigate the University, the curriculum, your major, or academic policies? How about someone who has given you advice on your long-term dreams and plans? Advisors across campus do all this and more. You can help them receive recognition that comes from the most important group at Carolina – the students.

Please take a few minutes to nominate an advisor who has made a difference in your Carolina experience for one of the following two awards. The awards are based solely on student feedback.

“The Mickel-Shaw Excellence in Advising Award” is given annually to advisors in UNC Advising in the College of Arts & Sciences and the General College.

“The Class of 1996 Award for Advising Excellence” is given annually to advisors. Advisors in academic departments, undergraduate professional schools and UNC Advising in the College of Arts & Sciences and the General College are eligible.

NOMINATIONS ARE DUE by 11:59pm on April 15. You may submit your nomination online using the form below.