Home / Academic Options for Staying on Track / Additional Semester Appeals

Appeal reasons that are usually approved:

  • You have not yet met minimum requirements for degree completion (120 hours earned, 2.0 GPA, and completion of one major)
  • You are participating in a UNC-endorsed program that requires undergraduate status
  • You must retake a course required for graduation that was failed in the final semester

Appeal reasons that are usually NOT approved:

  • Sole purpose of completing multiple areas of study (i.e. a second major and minor or two minors)
  • Raising a grade point average
  • Taking prerequisites for graduate or professional school
  • Taking courses related to employment
  • Changing major from BA to BS degree
  • Completing degree requirements on campus in a fall or spring semester when there are readily available alternatives via summer sessions or online courses

This is not an exhaustive list of reasons for approval or denial; appeals are taken on a case-by-case basis. If you have questions about whether you are eligible for an additional semester, please meet with your assigned academic advisor. Decisions will be based on UNC Academic Policy and our shared commitment support your degree completion.

*Transfer students who transfer in the UNC-Chapel Hill equivalent of two or more semesters (30+ hours) may automatically enroll in up to 10 semesters and complete up to three areas of study (i.e. a second major and a minor or two minors) without permission.”

If you feel your circumstances warrant merit consideration for an additional semester, you may submit your request using this form.