Overload Request Form

Academic Credit Overload Request
This form is for students in the College of Arts & Sciences or the General College only.
Students in professional schools (e.g., Business, Media and Journalism, Public Health) must contact their school’s dean to request an overload (even if they have a second major and/or minor in A&S).
Before the start of a term, students can request to register for more than 18 hours in fall or spring and more than 9 hours in a summer session. Complete this form once you are activated for registration for the term in which you are requesting an overload. There are three ways to qualify for an overload of 19 hours (requests for 20 or 21 hours are rarely granted and typically reserved for seniors who need the hours for graduation or students in truly extenuating circumstances):
You earned a GPA of at least 3.0 in the previous semester; and
Your cumulative GPA is at least 2.5. - You require an overload to graduate in the term requested.
- Obtain special permission from a dean.
You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your request for an overload. You will receive a decision via email once your request has been evaluated. If your credit overload is approved, your credit limit will be increased after all grades from the current term have posted but no later than the day before the first day of classes. Once the term starts, you may request an overload using this form or by seeing a dean or director during drop-in advising.