Ann Dacey

Advisor, Thrive Hubs

LocationSteele Building, Room 1007

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Get to know

Alma Mater

Undergraduate: University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Graduate: University of Maryland at College Park, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


BA Psychology, MEd Curriculum and Instruction, MSA Educational Leadership

What I enjoy most about working with students:

Supporting them in what they love to do – I have attended concerts, plays, robotics competitions, recitals, and sports of all kinds over the years to connect with my students and watch them shine. Last year, I learned that lacrosse may look very scary the first time you watch as a spectator, but it is very exciting!

My hometown:

Waltham, Massachusetts

First job out of college:

Teaching fourth grade in Elkridge, Maryland.

Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:

C in Anthropology freshman year. I took the midterm and final exams and got A’s but half my grade was an F for a paper I didn’t know had been assigned until I saw the zero in the grade book. The moral of the story: don’t skip those early Friday morning recitations – important stuff is discussed!

If I didn’t work for Advising I would:

Write theater reviews.

Bucket list item

A summer exploring Europe with my kids.