Portrait of Erika Forslund

Erika Forslund

Advisor, Thrive Hubs

LocationSteele Building, Room 1008


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Get to know

Alma Mater

Undergrad: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Graduate School: Clemson University


B.A. Communication Studies, M.Ed. Counselor Education (Student Affairs Emphasis)

What I enjoy most about working with students:

I love being a part of a student’s academic journey and empowering them with the skills, resources and plans that they need to succeed. My favorite part about working in higher education is watching students solve problems and achieve success in their own unique ways!

My hometown:

Apex, NC

First job out of college:

Clemson University: Graduate Assistant for Academic Advising and Coaching

Lowest grade I got as an undergrad:

I am pretty sure it was my C+ in College Algebra.

If I didn’t work for Advising I would:

If I did not work as an Academic Advisor, I would work want to work for Disney World in Guest Relations, Performing, or planning weddings!

Bucket list item

I really want to travel to Italy someday!